We can fix this failure to serve the least of us

We have a big problem across this country. We have failed to serve the bottom of the housing market for over 50 years. Grants Pass had people camping in our parks for about 5 years, protected under court order, until the Supreme Court said otherwise this year. They are still somewhat protected by state law that cities must have places for people to go, but we still have no places for the vast majority of them to go. Now the tent campers are in 2 small so-called campgrounds that have no water or shelter from sun and wind apart from their own small tents but they do have porta potties which the city must pay for. Both are supposed to be temporary; one is where the new city water plant will be built. Many are camping in their vehicles on the streets and often using shopping carts for their property. There are well over 1000 people in Josephine County who have no secure place to live. Grants Pass has a little project run by a non-...