Open letter to honey processors: Change your caps

A flat-topped 5-pound honey bottle; the fat one mentioned was thrown away. The other day, I went looking for a honey dispenser with a pointy cap, because the 1 lb flat-topped squirt bottle I had been using was always sticky. Honey would collect on the flat top and drip down the side when it was used. It was a fat-top bottle, made to be able to set it upside down for easy dispensing, but that only made it easy for the honey to leak out and make a pool in the cabinet. I was looking through the honey selection at Fred Meyer and all the containers had the same type of flat top, some with a fatter top for setting the bottle upside down, others with a smaller top of the same design. I noticed that the Agave Nectar bottles used by Madhava ( had a pointed cap that opened to a short cone-shaped dispenser with a sloping cap that looked unlikely for honey to pool on. I bought it, used it up, and now it is my honey dispenser. I call on ...