Open Letter to petitioners re #Measure48 Mississippi

Mississippi Measure 48 is a proposed constitutional amendment, posted at .  I have a question about its "locality tax," licenses, and fees.   Answers and further discussion will be edited into this post.

" ...Regulations will require an annual Mississippi Cannabis Sales license issued by any Mississippi County Circuit Clerk for a fee of no more than $1000.00 to all adult residents who apply, and a $25.00 annual city or county governing locality fee to farm 10 - 500 plants. Locality fees for cannabis farms with more than 500 plants will not exceed $1000.00...."

At first this "locality fee" sounded like a flat yearly fee, but the last sentence above makes it clear that is wrong.  Is it $25 per plant?  If so, it should say "per plant" after "$25."

But it couldn't be $25 per plant, because 500 plants times $25 is $12,500.  501 plants, however, would only be $1000.  A fee of $25 plus $5 per plant would still be $2,525 for $500 plants.  The locality fee part makes no mathematical sense.

@msforcannabis replied:  "The fee is only for 10 or more plants and is $25 / plant not to exceed $1000. Tax statement is correct"

@AnRycke replies:  And yet it says, "Locality fees for cannabis farms with 500 plants will not exceed $1000," clearly not including farms with less than 500 plants in the $1000 limit.  Remember, you won't get to interpret this when it goes to court; a judge will, and a judge will go by the words, not your intent.

You might rethink making this a constitutional amendment.  A statute can be more detailed and is far easier for the legislature to fix.

In my opinion, the Mississippi Cannabis Sales license should be one-time, and the locality fee should be a lot lower and not plant-based.  What other kind of farms anywhere are charged a per-plant tax?  Who will count the plants?  At what size or level of maturity?

"...Owners of 9 or fewer cannabis plants are not considered farmers and are not required to pay a farming locality fee..."

Is one required to pay the $1000 for the annual Mississippi Cannabis Sales license for growing 1-9 plants even if one is not selling?  It sure looks like it, which would make cannabis growing a privilege of the rich in Mississippi.  The only requirement for selling regarding the license is in the title of the license.

"...The 7% cannabis sales tax, and the farming locality fees may be reviewed in 2025 and every 5 years thereafter. The cannabis sales tax can only be lowered; farming locality fees may be adjusted but only by 10%...."

This sounds like the locality fees can be adjusted 10% up or down, but there is no allowance for review or adjustment for the annual $1000 Mississippi Cannabis Sales license.

Please clarify your measure before collecting signatures on it.


  1. $25 per plant , not to exceed $1000. Fee is for more than 10 plants. Tax statement is correct

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Colorado has an effective tax rate of close to 30%. Washington has an effective rate of 47%. Both are seeing a lot of black market and medical competition because of they have made a high priced floor for legal pot. But Washington will have a far easier time fixing it, because they have a statute, not a constitutional amendment like Colorado. Taxing, regulating, and distributing tax revenues are too complicated for a measure that has to be taken to the voters every time it is changed.


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